XPRIZE Rainforest
Grand Prize Winners!
Limelight Rainforest (formerly Team Waponi) is a special project of Population Biology Foundation.
We are a multidisciplinary team of professionals focused on developing a solution for the XPRIZE Rainforest competition.
“Team Waponi” recently changed its name to “Limelight Rainforest” to better reflect the global scope of our XPRIZE Rainforest solution. Our new name focuses on the innovative technology at the core of our work, the Limelight sensor platform, which we hope will empower local communities to help protect and preserve rainforest biodiversity around the world.
We are thrilled to partner with Outreach Robotics to deliver our unique Solution to the upper reaches of the rainforest canopy. Many of our other team members are biologists who have been collaborating for decades in the Upper Amazon Basin of Ecuador to understand interactions between Lepidopteran caterpillars, the host plants they feed on, and the enemies that attack them.
In forming Limelight Rainforest, we are expanding our joint research goals and building on a shared desire to positively impact the future of tropical rainforests and the indigenous people that depend upon them for survival. Every one of us is prepared to act on a profound optimism that a better understanding of nature and humanity can improve the quality of life for humans and the natural world we inhabit.
If you share this optimism, join our team!

support our work
Limelight Rainforest is a 501 (c) 3 organization.
100% of donations received by mail are directed to Limelight Rainforest's rainforest research.
Donations may be mailed to the following address. Please also include a return address to receive a receipt for your tax deductible donation. Make checks payable to Limelight Rainforest.
Limelight Rainforest
1100 North Ave
Dept. of Biology, Wub 221C
Grand Junction, CO 81501